3D Printed parts

//3D Printed parts

3D Printed parts

A brief summary of some of the solutions we provided using 3D printer parts in 2020

Repair part swimming pool cleaning system

The client contacted needing to repair their swimming pool cleaning system. The broken part is not available in the market and its replacement would be expensive. The proposed solution consisted in printing 4 pieces in different materials. We applied a modular concept given the final solution required assembly in place. We used ABS and TPU.

Manufactured part scaled model

A client was building an expensive large piece in a special stainless steel alloy. There was not much space for error for their welding procedure. Therefore they contacted us for printing a scale model of the manufactured piece. The model was used as a pedagogical aid for the welders to visualize the work before carrying it out and practice assembling the real part with the model.

By |2021-03-01T00:11:19+00:00febrero 28th, 2021|3D Printing|