Greta - 3d printing

/, Robot integration/Greta - 3d printing

Greta - 3d printing

In our endeavour to offer high technology services and complement our existing portfolio, we acquired a 3D printer from Ultimaker, nicknamed Greta.

With this investment, we not only support our robotics research – adding prototyping capabilities to our research – we also enter the field of additive manufacturing.

We bought from Ultimaker, its entry professional model: a Ultimaker 2+. Although relatively basic, it has great precision, all sorts of materials can be used with it and the support from this company.

This means we can also now offer 3d printing services, either for prototyping, end parts, jigs fixtures, and everything we can imagine.

By |2021-02-23T07:50:56+00:00febrero 25th, 2019|3D Printing, Robot integration|