This is perhaps our “oldest” laboratory. It started many years ago, since our members had in their hands a Commodore 64 and learned how to write Basic code and then went more sophisticated with their first IBM PC. Anything that could be programmed was tried: Graphic calculators, PICs, microcontroller, anything.
Now our software expertise has gone up to new levels, since recently our Senior member completed a one year university course in Software Construction and Architecture. One more step added to an already vast background and experience in programming at the edge of technology, when he worked for some of the biggest scientific laboratories like CERN and Fermilab.
We can build software from C applications to Java, and Python. We can add a Frontend user interface in Angular and build robust DJANGO web applications. In the world of databases, we are trained to provide solutions with MongoDB. Anything you need, we can help.
More recently our lab acquired a Jetson Nano developing kit to explore its capabilities in Machine Learning and AI algorithms. We are currently doing research in visual algorithms linked with our robotics laboratory.

Hungarian algorithm - part 1
Improved pick and place algorithm One of the reasons [...]
GTC 2018
NVIDIA is one of the largest video acceleration card [...]